With W. Walker letter 1/25/65
Havana, Illinois
March 7th 1865
Hon. Rich'd Yates
Washington, D. C.
Dr. Sir:
Sometime Since I addressed you a letter relative to the Provost Marshalship of this (9th) Congressional District, and as I feel particularly interested in refference thereto I again take this occasion of calling your attention to the Same Subject. I am extremely desirous as are all the Union men of this District that our present Provost Marshal who has prostituted his office by frequent "negotiations and arrangements" with notorious "Copperheads" shall be removed from a position which he occupies to the mortification and injury of that party in the success of which we feel so great an interest. Charges have been filed against Capt. Westlake which should ere this have procured his dis-
missal. And the friends of the Administration in this District confidently expected he would be removed. I entertain the opinion that incumbents of such positions under one Presidential term (eve if no charges are against them) should now be displaced in order to make room for others who may be equally (or more) deserving (especially such as have been wounded in the service of the Country) and who have not been the receiptents of official favor.
I therefore earnestly request you will do me the favor to assist in this matter, and if possible secure the appointment of Capt. W. W. Stout to the position alluded to. By so doing you will be conferring upon Capt. Stout a favor which he has deservedly earned by services on "many a well fought field of battle," and in return for which I shall be ever anxious to honor your "draft" to the full extent of my humble services.
W Walker