W. W. Wyatt to Richard Yates



W. W. Wyatt to Richard Yates


Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum










Lincoln Dec. 2" 1864

Gov Yates -

Dear Sir -

I regret to learn that Col. Hurt of the 106 is dead. He was a True man. I also regret to learn that you have opposition for the U S Senatorship---but you will beat them and those who oppose You will, in the end, only injure themselves---for no good true man ought to be in the way this time under the circumstances.

I can control the influence of this paper and intend to write for it till the meeting of the Legislature---and I hope to be able to be of some service to you with Gens Logan Haynie Col. Kuykendall and others.

We ought to have Elected the [Lino?] representatives from this District and had others

have done their duty as your humble servant did it would have been done.

I only regret not going among my old Friends and relatives in Morgan and aid in the Election of Ayres---which I think you might have done---but it is all over and we must make the best of it.

I want you to promote Capt B. B. Pegram of the 106---about whom I spoke to you some time ago and who you said should be promoted. He merits the promotion & is entitled to it by senority and his father and Brothers are among your best friends in Logan

Please write me about the matter also about your chances and if I or any of the friends can serve you indicate in what way .

After your Election I shall let politics alone for a season

Yours Truly

W. W. Wyatt

Wyatt W. W

Lincoln Dec 1st 1864

Is sorry to hear you have opposition for the Senate

You will beat them & those who oppose you will in the end only injure themselves.

He can control the papers there and will do what he can in that way.

Wishes you to promote Capt B B Pegram of the 106th Regt

Col Niles Endorse whether this appl can be made---if nothing in way make it and return this letter.

[in another ink] A. G. O (Ex O) Dec 16, 1864



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